Pretty good.
Some parts were really funny but others just seemed like fillers to add length. Overall was funny and enjoyable.
Pretty good.
Some parts were really funny but others just seemed like fillers to add length. Overall was funny and enjoyable.
WAY funnier than the first one. Loved it.
Really random, and thats just how I like it. And how is this sick humor? In response to some past reviews, I don't see any sex jokes here. So quit yer bitchin' about it.
You had descriptions for every freaking robot in the cartoon. That must have taken a lot of time. Good animation, I can see the effort put into it. A LOT of movie clips, LOL (If you don't know what that is you suck at flash).
That was hilarious. S'nuff said.
This totally deserved the Tank award. Great animation!
Well... See you in hell. That was hilarious!
Great animation. I too animate on Flash, so I really apreciate the effort put into this. The humor could've been a little better, but it was entertaning. The giant robot looked really cool and was animated very fluidly. The main character's voice was kinda... I dunno, but it just wasn't very convincing. On the other hand the sound effects were top notch. I hope to see more of your quality animations on Newgrounds.
Well animated and the music was catchy, but you should probably seek mental help.
Age 65, Male
Joined on 4/27/08